#InnovationAwards #VisitorAttractions

Ultimate Guide to blooloop Innovation Awards

Celebrating Excellence: The Blooloop <b>Innovation Awards</b>

Now in its fourth year, the Blooloop Innovation Awards, presented in collaboration with AREA15, honour the most groundbreaking projects and companies within the global visitor attractions sector.

Our panel of judges comprises prominent thought leaders and industry experts from some of the world’s leading visitor attractions. They will be on the lookout for the most innovative products and projects that are shaping the future of the visitor experience.

Key Dates

  • Early bird pricing closes: 2nd September 2024
  • Final date for a guaranteed speaking slot with a Deluxe entry: 9th September 2024
  • Entries close: 30th September 2024

Ensure you submit and pay for your entry before 2nd September to benefit from the early bird rates, and feel free to edit your entry until 30th September.

Which Entry Type is Right for You?

Every entry receives a dedicated page on our Innovation Award website and an Innovation Showcase virtual booth at our online Festival of Innovation. We will announce all our winners at the Festival of Innovation in January 2025.

Stand out from the competition with a larger virtual booth at this event by opting for a Standard Plus or Deluxe entry. These entries will also be featured in our pre-Festival of Innovation newsletter.

Can’t decide between two categories? With the Standard Plus and Deluxe entries, you can submit the same project in two categories.

For maximum visibility, select the Deluxe entry to participate in a thought-leadership panel discussion for your entry category at the Festival of Innovation. This exclusive opportunity allows you to engage with other entrants, the category sponsor, and our expert judges to discuss the industry’s future.

Standard entries for our Inclusion and Sustainability categories are free. Be sure to highlight how you are contributing to making the industry more sustainable and accessible.

Which Category is Right for You?

This year, there are 16 categories in the Innovation Awards. From Splash to Immersive Attractions, Thrills to Themed Environment, we have a category that caters to all facets of the global visitor attractions industry.

Make sure to tailor your entry to the specific category; consult the rubric in our entry guide document to understand what the judges will be looking for and the criteria they will use to evaluate each entry.

Our judges from 2023 indicated that pitch videos are incredibly helpful during the judging process, so regardless of the category you enter, be sure to include a pitch video.

Why Enter the Awards?

  • Join the ranks of remarkable companies that have entered and won previously, showcasing your status as an innovator in the industry.
  • Celebrate your colleagues and your achievements. Use your award entry for marketing purposes and to boost team morale.
  • Gain a competitive edge to attract new business and talent.
  • Enhance your visibility and be recognised by key figures – our expert judges.
  • Reinforce your reputation for excellence.

2025 Festival of Innovation

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