Guide to Constructing an Air-Type Surf Pool

Guide to Constructing an Air-Type Surf Pool



Understanding the Essentials of Surf Pool Construction

When it comes to creating waves in entertainment surf pools, an air-type surf pool is often the preferred choice. The wave pool machine is composed of several key components, including an air chamber, fan, valve mechanism, air pipe system, and control system. This setup is known for its straightforward design, dependable operation, easy maintenance, and lack of pollution.

Key Equipment for Surf Pool Construction

The major equipment involved in Surf Pool Construction includes:

  • Wave-making main engine
  • System control console
  • PLC programmable controller
  • Pneumatic actuator system
  • Special control cabinet for main engine
  • Special double butterfly valve mechanism
  • Actuator gas supply system
  • Ventilation silencing system
  • Air piping system
  • Throttle regulating mechanism

Wave-Making Process Using Water Pressure

The basic steps and rules for wave-making through water pressure are as follows:

  1. Fill the reservoir of the circulating system completely.
  2. Replenish the hydraulic chamber. The electric control system sends signals to open the sluice gate mechanism, allowing the reservoir to transfer water to the hydraulic chamber. Once the desired pressure is reached, the sluice gate mechanism is signalled to close.
  3. Release the hydraulic chamber. The electric control system signals the hydraulic release gate mechanism to open, causing water from the hydraulic chamber to rush into the wave-making pond from a height of 6-9 metres, creating a massive wave valley.
  4. The system instructs the release gate to close after a few seconds.
  5. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 to generate the next wave.
  6. The size and shape of the wave can be adjusted by altering the frequency of units and the water level in the hydraulic chamber. Although there are numerous wave forms, selecting 2-4 is generally suitable, considering the pool size and wave attenuation. Wave-makers of vacuum or water pressure types can produce waves up to 2-3 metres high.

Advantages of this method include a grand momentum with minimal noise, comparable to air pressure types. However, it also has disadvantages such as a complex structure, high costs, additional protective measures, and a low frequency (2-20 minutes). Notably, the higher the frequency, the greater the cost.

For more information on Surf Pool Construction, visit Lanchao Water Park Equipment Manufacturer’s website.

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