Design Characteristics of Water Park Projects

Design Characteristics of Water Park Projects



Understanding the Design Characteristics of Water Park Projects

The water park project is a recreational water playground featuring water as the main attraction, including water slides, wave pools, rafting rivers, and other water park equipment. Its emergence has significantly transformed water leisure and entertainment, becoming a rapidly growing sector in the leisure and entertainment industry. Currently, water park projects are generally considered a form of theme park or paradise and are an essential component of theme parks. Let’s delve into the design and planning characteristics of water park projects, design characteristics of varying scales.

Characteristics of Small-Scale Aqua Park Projects

Small water parks cover an area of no less than 10,000 square metres. The design plan for these water park projects primarily targets parent-child family groups. Key water park equipment includes children’s water play series, children’s water slides, artificial wave pools, lazy rivers, and a few small water surfaces above 2 metres.

The design scheme for small-scale water park projects is more compact, requires less investment, recovers costs faster, and offers greater operational flexibility. However, due to location constraints, the design and planning of these water park projects feature fewer supporting equipment and relatively fewer attractions, generally appealing to tourists seeking excitement.

Characteristics of Medium-Scale Water Park Projects

Medium-scale water park projects span an area of approximately 10,000 to 50,000 square metres. These comprehensive water parks cater to a broad customer base, accommodating tourists of various ages. The water park equipment in the design plan includes giant water slides, children’s water play equipment, medium-sized water cottages, large artificial wave pools, and various children’s water slides.

Compared to smaller water parks, medium-scale water park projects have a larger design and planning scope, more complete equipment, and greater appeal. However, the investment cost is higher, and the payback period is longer.

Features of Large-Scale Water Park Projects

Large-scale water park projects cover an area exceeding 50,000 square metres, featuring comprehensive water park equipment and extensive design and planning. Key water park equipment includes large water slides, water play equipment, large water houses, large wave pools, theme amusement facilities, and other water entertainment equipment.

Compared to medium-scale water park projects, large-scale water park projects have a more extensive design and planning scope, complete facilities and equipment, and a strong attraction for tourists. However, the investment amount is relatively large, and the return period is rather long.

We specialise in providing water park planning, landscape design, equipment manufacturing, installation, and operation management. We are a member of the National Cableway and Amusement Facilities Standardisation Technical Committee, China Amusement Park Standardisation Technical Committee, and the GB/T18168-2017 Water Amusement Equipment General Technology Condition standard drafting company. We are the only company in China’s water park equipment manufacturing industry that has passed TUV certification. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact Lanchao.

Consult Lanchao to design & build a sucessful water park

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