Choosing the Right Materials for Surf Pools
With the increasing popularity of surf pools in recent years, several issues have come to light. The choice of surf pool materials has become a focal point of concern. Using inappropriate materials can pose potential risks to users and may even lead to enforced closures for operators.
Comparing Surf Pool Covering Materials
1. Mosaic Tiled Surf Pools
Currently, most surf pools are adorned with mosaic tiles. However, these tiles are prone to eventual flaking. This can be attributed to the tiling method, the auxiliary materials used, and the quality of the ceramic itself.
2. Plastic Filmed Surf Pools
Plastic film, a type of adhesive agent, is favoured for its low cost and ability to meet basic requirements. Nevertheless, as a plastic material, it is susceptible to ageing. The intense localised forces common in surf pools can easily tear the aged sections, leading to significant shedding and potential safety hazards. Moreover, the application of plastic film demands a perfectly even pool surface. Any unevenness can result in poor adhesion, causing the film to detach under pressure. Consequently, plastic film is seldom used in surf pools.
3. Paint Pasted Surf Pools
Some indoor surf pools utilise paint, but this approach has two main drawbacks. Firstly, paint lacks wear resistance. When applied to uneven surfaces, it tends to wear away on protrusions, necessitating unsightly repainting. Secondly, prolonged exposure to water, outdoor weathering, and intense sunlight can cause paint to fade and age prematurely, reducing its lifespan.
Conclusion on Surf Pool Materials
Based on the aforementioned points, mosaic tiled surf pools are generally considered safer and more reliable. In contrast, filmed and painted options are less favourable due to inherent material limitations. This is why domestic surf pools typically avoid using film or paint. However, the issue of tile flaking can be mitigated through improved tiling techniques and ceramic quality. As a result, mosaic tiled surf pools are likely to remain the predominant choice for surf pool materials.