2024 Water Park Trends: Innovations and Sustainability Insights
As we approach the end of 2024, it’s time to take a closer look at the latest developments in the realm of water park trends. And to be honest… it all revolves around water.
Currently, the industry is witnessing a significant shift towards the incorporation of expansive water features in both indoor and outdoor water park designs. Whether it’s for large-scale surfing or artificial swimming lagoons, the message is unmistakable: the newest parks in the pipeline are set to include substantial bodies of water that can be monetised.
Water Park Trends: Wave Pools, Lagoons and More
The appetite for these features is growing, particularly within mixed-use developments that encompass hotels, shopping centres, wellness facilities, and sometimes even residential areas. This expansion builds upon the foundational elements of traditional water parks, specifically the entertainment associated with water.
In Surf Parks Industry Growth and Trends 2024, Stephen Szczygiel, CHIA, from Hotel & Leisure Advisors, remarked: “2024 is poised to be a record-breaking year with the launch of nine new wave pools, representing the largest single-year increase in man-made surf parks to date.”
Moreover, in another report titled Man-Made Lagoons Gain Popularity, he noted: “Our research indicates that there are over 100 lagoons with various technology providers currently in the planning stages across the United States.”
The design and location of many of these upcoming facilities reflect advancements in surf and lagoon technology, alongside a growing focus on sustainable practices. However, the juxtaposition of sustainability and large water bodies can seem contradictory.
Water Use vs. Water Consumption
As an industry, it is our responsibility to reshape the narrative surrounding water use and consumption. It is widely understood among industry professionals that while water parks require a significant volume of water, once acquired, they strive to retain it.
Statistics reveal that most water park facilities aim to maintain, on average, 98% of the water in circulation. The mere 2% that cannot be conserved due to evaporation, backwash, and other factors is all that needs replacing. The public perception of “water parks as water hogs” is simply inaccurate and a misconception we must collectively address.
Indeed, advancements in technology—whether related to water consumption, surfing, slides, or the construction of water park facilities—enable operators, designers, and developers to adopt more sustainable practices. In 2024 and beyond, it is both essential and increasingly demanded by consumers that the venues where they spend their hard-earned money contribute positively to the future.
Water Park Trends: Sustainability
Sustainability is, in fact, another significant water park trend for 2024. The water park sector does not need to mislead clients with false claims of eco-friendliness; they can genuinely implement sustainable practices.
From enhanced filtration systems to the integration of solar energy and the use of natural ventilation in building designs—which reduces energy costs—the options for “going green” are plentiful and increasingly straightforward to adopt.
While the opportunities for sustainable development continue to grow and become easier to implement, they do represent a capital investment for existing facilities. Initiatives like transitioning to LED lighting and adopting water recirculation systems incur costs but will yield operational savings over time. The positive media attention and customer loyalty generated will ultimately justify these investments as sustainability shifts from being a “nice-to-have” to an essential requirement.
New Additions and Upgrades
In other areas of the 2024 water park landscape, where the addition of large water bodies isn’t feasible, technological advancements have enabled slide manufacturers to remain central to any aquatic venue. The introduction of larger, more efficient slides and attractions continues to enhance both new and existing parks.
Simultaneously, these technological improvements allow operators to significantly boost safety, cleanliness, and guest services. With more tailored service offerings, enhanced safety protocols, and the ability to cater to an increasingly tech-savvy clientele, the industry is evolving rapidly.
With urban populations on the rise and living costs soaring, local entertainment is driving demand for water parks. As life becomes more expensive, entertainment venues that cater to the cultural needs of diverse communities are gaining traction. This is a trend that water parks worldwide are seizing upon. Although high operating costs and seasonal dependencies remain challenges, the growth of both indoor and outdoor venues is on the rise.
In 2024 and beyond, water parks are set to continue expanding as a vital segment within the entertainment industry. Despite the consolidation of major traditional water park operators in the US, smaller independent operators and developers are embracing new industry innovations and water park trends without hesitation.
2025 promises to be an exciting year for development as the industry continues to flourish.